What's New


Thanks to all you who have found your way to this site - I hope you find it useful!  I see I now have nearly 400 hits, mostly from the U. S., but some from worldwide locations like China, India, and Russia.  I can't imagine what people over there are doing accessing a website on American Municipal Tokens!


Coming up very soon will be an addition to the site that will make it much more useful.  I am working on an index of all the issues I have documented, so if anyone was wondering how much 1972 Lake Havasu City Dollars are bringing these days, it will tell you where to look.  No more scrolling through months of unalphabetized issues to find what you want.


Improvements to THE FORUM listings.  Apparently the files I have been using are too big for my hosting website.  Right now the documents download - very slowly - as a separate file.  It is in a very high quality, but not as useful as it would be if it could be read directly within the website. This looks like an easy fix - I just need to find the time.


After that, sometime, will be photographs of the listed issues.  I will be using photographs I have taken of my tokens, not ones downloaded from ebay, which would be easier, but - I hear - a copyright infringement.


Sure would like to hear from any of you about how I can make this website more interesting/valuable/useful.


Steve Tureen

Where to Find Us:

P. O. Box 3381

Beaumont, CA 92223

Phone:  951 267 3264



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