The Forum
The Forum was a journal for collectors of Municipal Tokens, both United States and Canadian, that was published for five years, 1992 to 1996. It remains a unique testiment to its editor, Jonathan Clark, in that it monitored and documented the then growing facet of numismatics, municipal token collecting. Nothing like it was done before, and nothing since - and it is truly missed by a small but devoted core of collectors. Jonathan, who no longer collects municipals, has given me permission to re-publish The Forum in any manner I see fit. I think the best way to get this information out there is to add it to this web site. I will be scanning and posting the issues in chronological order, as time allows, beginning with the first issue, which follows.
PLEASE REMEMBER that these publications are over 20 years old, and the contact information in these old journals is obsolete. If anyone wants to contact any of the individuals mentioned, send me a message at, and I will try to get you up-to-date information. Steve Tureen.