MTCs on Ebay June 2013
Wisconsin, Edgerton. 1986 Rock River Thresheree Commemorative Coin. Offered for $5.95 plus $3.95 shipping (or $12.99 + BIN). No bids. I was not aware of this one before a month or so ago. Scarce, but no bids!
Ohio, Ashtabula. 1953 Sesqui-Centennial Half Dollar. Almost Uncirculated. I catalog these in this condition at $6.50, so I was pleased to be able to buy it as a duplicate for the opening bid of $4.99 plus $2.00 shipping.
Alabama, Montgomery. 1961 Civil War Centennial Half Dollar. Worn and dark - grade XF or so. Mintage 30,000. Catalog $2.50. This one opened at $2.00 plus $4.00 shipping and there were 15 bidders who pushed the sale price up to $26.21. Wow!
Arizona, Tucson. 1933 Wolfville Western Days Dollar. Almost Uncirculated. Relatively common, but always in demand because it is - or at least was - a So-Called Dollar. Nearly uncirculated. Start was $9.99 with FREE shipping, but after 11 bids it sold for $28.00. Catalog value $6.50.
Hawaii 1959 Crossroads of the Pacific Souvenir Coin. Nickel silver. The scarcer metal that this is usually seen in (forget the aluminum and gold ones - they are impossible to find!) with a mintage of just 725 pieces, and a MTC catalog value of $15.00. This is also a So-Called Dollar, so there are hundreds of SCD collectors looking for this too. This nice uncirculated piece started at $20 plus $2 for shipping, and after 4 bids ended up at only $32.99. A bargain! This will bring $100+ from a so-called dollar collector when it gets put into one of those little plastic coin slabs.
Michigan, Big Rapids. 1955 Centennial Quarter. Nice specimen, close to - if not - uncirculated. Offered for $2.99 plus 99¢ shipping. No bids. Catalog value $4.00.
Alaska, Matanuska Valley. 1985 50¢ ARRC 50th Anniversary. A close copy of the original 1930's Alaska Rural Rehabilitation Corporation tokens. Like the original, the commemorative ones come in denominations from 1¢ to $10. The originals are hard to find, and the high denominations very scarce, but I currently catalog these copies at $2.50 each, $20 for the set of eight. This single 50¢ one started at $10 plus $2.07 shipping, and ended at $20.50 after 7 bids. Quite an impressive amount, I think, but supplies of these seem to be drying up - at least on ebay. This is the first single piece I can remember seeing offered, but the sets used to come up for sale frequently. Perhaps the bidders thought they were bidding on an original token - the title simply said "Alaska, AARC Token". The description below read "1985, Matanuska Valley, Alaska, GF $0.50 in trade" , so anyone who read the description should have known what it was. It would have been a very nice buy for an original 50¢ token - those are going for more than $75 these days.
Montana, Havre. 1993 Centennial Dollar. Start was 99¢ plus 84¢ shipping. This one drew 8 bids from 7 bidders and sold for $7.16. Catalog: $4.50.
Michigan, Hart. 1950 Quarter celebrating the Mexican Fiesta and County Fair. One of the less easily obtainable issues from the run of early Michigan MTCs. I list it for $6.50 - which means I think it is a pretty scarce piece - but it went almost unappreciated, and a single bidder was able to purchase it for the opening bid of $1.99 plus $2.65 shipping. Condition was About Uncirculated.
Illinois, Thomasboro. 1964 Centennial Half Dollar. Another elusive issue cataloging $6.50. This one offered by the same seller as the previous lot also brought a mere $1.99 plus shipping.
New York, Hamburg. 1962 Sesquicentennial Half Dollar. This token, offered by the same seller as the last two lots started at the standard $1.99 plus $2.65 postage, but attracted no bids. It is more common than the previously listed pieces, listing at just $4.00 and with a mintage of 10,000 - but I think someone should have bid.
Wyoming, Lusk. 1961 Diamond Jubilee Half Dollar. Start $1.99, Postage $2.65, two bids, sale price $2.60. Mintage unknown, catalog value $5.00. Same seller as above.
Missouri, Lee's Summit. 1965 Centennial Half Dollar, old train type. The final offering by the seller who offered the four previous lots. This one, too, started at $1.99 plus the $2.65 postage and sold to a single bidder. I catalog this one at $4.00. All 5 of these lots sold (or didn't even sell) too low. If the same bidder won them all, he would have gotten an even better bargain because of the combined postage reduction. Who was the seller? One of my favorite ebay sellers, whitehead4. I told you guys to watch his listings - you've lost out on some more bargains!
Michigan, Marshall. 1980 Sesquicentennial Dollar, oxidized nickel-silver finish. This one currently lists at $6.50. Opening bid was 99¢, but with 5 bids it closed at a respectable $11.50. I was watching this one and planned to bid $6.88 to add it to my duplicates, but by the time I was ready to place my bid, it was already higher than that.
Pennsylvania, Amity Township. 1969 250th Anniversary Half Dollar. Once quite scarce, but more are appearing. Current catalog value is $6.50. I bid on this one which started at $4.99 + $1.65 shipping and won it at the opening bid. I wonder how many more there are.
Illinois, Earlville. 1963 Centennial Half Dollar. A seldom seen issue which catalogs at $7.50, but this one, unfortunately, was holed. Not officially - someone just drilled a nasty hole through it so it could be put on a keychain or something. The start was a reasonable 99¢ but with a $3.00 shipping fee. There were no bids. Relisted three times, still with no results, but with the fourth try a couple bidders spotted it and wanted it enough to submit 4 bids - the winner taking it for $1.30.
Kansas, Osborne County. 1971 Commemorative Coin, oxidized brass. This comes with a plain and a numbered edge, but I couldn't determine the variety from the photograph, and it wasn't mentioned in the description. I catalog the plain edge version at $3.50 and the numbered variety at $6.50. The opening bid was $19.95 plus $1.75 shipping. No bids. Offered the two following weeks as well, no bid either time. Then placed in the sellers store where it is still available today, same price.
Alabama, Muscle Shoals. 1961 Civil War Centennial. With the current interest in items relating to the Civil War, I am keeping a closer watch on these issues. This one is quite common: Mintage 10,000 and Catalog Value of $3.50. Sometimes these bring very high prices, but this one didn't. This choice Uncirculated example started - and ended-at just 99¢, plus a very reasonable $1.00 for shipping.
Hawaii. 1984 25th Anniversary of Statehood Dollar in Silver. Easily available, and worth - at the most - double silver...whatever that might be. The dropping silver prices are making silver MTCs more affordable. This one, with its mintage of 5,000 will always be available. Start was $40.00 plus $5.80 shipping. Three bidders and five bids brought it up to $67.00.
Alaska, Anchorage. 1967 Dave's Alaskan Trade Dollar. Oxidized gray metal, numbered. Start was 99¢ plus $2.00 shipping. There were four bids and it sold for $3.25. Catalog value: $4.00.
Alaska, Kodiak. 1964 Alaska Earthquake and Tidal Wave, one snort, aluminum, not numbered. This one catalogs $6.50. Start was 99¢ plus $2.00 shipping. After 9 bids from 3 bidders, it sold for $15.00. And it wasn't even uncirculated!
Oregon. 1959 Nickel Silver Statehood Centennial with a blank reverse. This is the small hole with smoke variety. Uncirculated. I currently catalog these at $5.00 but that is too cheap and they will double in the next edition. This one started at $2.00 plus $1.00 shipping, attracted just 4 bids, and sold for $36.53. A scarce So-Called Dollar in addition to being a Municipal Trade Coin.
Arizona, Bullhead City. 1979 Bullhead Buck. Once elusive, the two years of Bullhead Bucks are now more easily available. This one offered for $4.99 plus $1.65 shipping attracted no bids. I guess everyone who wants one has it now. Catalog $5.00, but going down next time.
Wisconsin, Edgerton. 1976 Tobacco Days Commemorative Coin, un numbered version. Once Very Scarce, but some of these have been appearing on Ebay recently. Cataloged now at $10.00, but going down. This one offered at $5.99 plus $3.00 shipping had a single bid.
South Dakota. Souvenir Dollar Coins, Set 1, 1971 through 80 (10 different) plus the two 1972 "error" issues with the obverse design from the North Dakota dollar set. Easily available, each with a mintage of 6,000 pieces - except for the aforementioned errors. I don't know how many of those were made. They aren't as easy to get as the regular issues, but they are not at all rare either. I catalog these at $3.50 for the regular ones, and $4.00 for the errors. There are also edge varieties on each that catalog a little bit more. This choice set in a heavy Capital Plastics holder started off at just 99¢ and sold for $20.50 after 7 bids. That is less than what the plastic holder cost the original owner. A very nice bargain! Postage was only $3.00 - it surely cost the seller at least twice that to mail it off!
Hawaii. 1984 25th Anniversary of Statehood Dollar in Bronze. Easily obtainable. Start was 99¢ plus 2.99 shipping. There were 5 bids and it sold for $5.05 plus the shipping.
Pennsylvania, Coaldale - Six Mile Run. 1965 Centennial Half Dollar. Lot of 5. These currently list for $6.50 each. Offered for $9.99 plus $2.00 shipping, this good deal did not get a bid until it was offered for a second week. It sold to a single bidder for the opening bid.
Missouri, Higginsville. 1969 Dollar in SILVER. Few and far between. This one cataloged at $22.50 in the last edition of the catalog, but back then silver was under $10 an ounce. This one will probably list at $40.00 in the new edition. This choice example started at 19.99 and I won it as a duplicate for just $22.38 plus $2.00 shipping. A HUGE bargain!
Wisconsin, Edgerton. 1986 Commemorative Coin. A month ago I had never heard of this token. Now there seem to be plenty around! This started at $5.99 ($12.99 BIN) plus $3.95 shipping, but there were no bids. Offered the following two weeks for $3.99 or $10.99 BIN - still no bids. The seller lowered the price to $2.99 ($7.99 BIN) for an additional two weeks and was still unable to sell the item. I guess everyone who wanted one of these was able to get what they needed when they were originally offered last month.
Pennsylvania, Coatesville. 1967 Centennial Half Dollar. This easily attainable MTC lists for $4.00. Offered on Ebay for just 99¢, plus $3.00 shipping, this sold to a single bidder.
Illinois, Williamson. 1964 125th Anniversary Dollar struck in SILVER. A very scarce issue in this metal, only 100 were made and sold for $7.50 each back in 1964. Today I think it is well worth $40 or $50. This one on Ebay sold cheap: Opening bid was 99¢ plus $2.07 for shipping. There were 14 bids by 9 bidders and it sold for $27.26. Bargain City!
Hawaii. "1883" Akahi Dala with bust of Kalakaua, signed THM on reverse. Silver. One of the scarcer replica dalas. I have seen these offered on Ebay for up to $1,000 but this one sold closer to its real value of $40 to $50. Start was just 99¢, but all 5 bids were $20 or more. Sale price $25.15 plus $3.00 shipping, a nice buy.
California, Santa Santa Catalina Island. 1990 Trade Dollar. This time the start was $3.99 plus $2.50 shipping. There were no bids for this nice uncirculated piece. Catalog value is $3.50.
Michigan, Manistee. 1950 Manistee Sports Festival Quarter. A scarce-ish early Michigan quarter. Catalog value is $6.00. This about uncirculated example started at 99¢ and sold for $9.00 plus $1.95 shipping after just 5 bids.
Oregon, Albany. 1959 Timber Carnival / Oregon Statehood Centennial. Ten thousand were struck, and it remains easily available to this day. I catalog it at $3.50. This Uncirculated example started of at 99¢ and 5 bids sent it to a sale price of $4.69 with FREE shipping. There is a lot of interest developing in these 1959 Oregon Centennial issues.
Arizona, Lake Havasu City. 1972 London Bridge Dollar. The first year, which currently sells for $126.00 on the Lake Havasu Rotary Club Website. Offered for $4.99 plus $2.50 shipping. There was a single bidder at the opening price. I catalog this one at $4.00. The mintage - 25,000.
Arizona, Lake Havasu City. 1976 London Bridge Dollar. Apparently no longer available from the Lake Havasu Rotary Club website. However it is still listed with a price of $105.00 in the "Not Currently Available section. Perhaps a new variety will be available soon as these guys have been known to restrike issues they have run out of. Mintage 25,000. Catalog Value $5.00. Started off at $4.00, was bid on 4 times, and closed at $6.75 plus $2.50 shipping.
Arizona, Lake Havasu City. 1980 London Bridge Dollar in antique copper finish, the standard issue. This one is still available from the LHC Rotary website, which has been changed quite dramatically in the last month. It is harder to find the coins as there is no direct link in the heading, and many formerly available coins are no longer listed. Find the picture of a coin partway down the page and there will be a link just below that. Anyway this is now offered for $36.00 directly from the club. Remember that the profit from coin sales in the Rotary Club website goes to their charitable activities. On Ebay - without that charitable aspect - the coins are often available at much lower prices. This one started out at $4.99 + $2.99 shipping and sold to a single bidder. Mintage 25,000. Catalog value $3.50.
Arizona, Lake Havasu City. 1990-91 London Bridge Dollar. Golden bronze. This one comes in 5 metal or finish varieties, this being the most readily available. Still available from the LHC Rotary Club website for $14.00. This one on Ebay started off at $4.99 plus $2.50 postage. There were 4 bids by 2 bidders and it sold for $8.02. I catalog these at $2.50 currently, but they will be going up by a buck or so in the next edition.
Arizona, Lake Havasu City. 1994 - 95 London Bridge Dollar. Originally issued at $3.00, this is now available from the issuers for $12.00. There were 10,000 made and I list them at $3.00, going up to $4.00 next time. This one was offered for a $4.99 start plus $2.50 postage and attracted 3 bids from 2 bidders and sold for $6.50.
Arizona, Lake Havasu City. 1996-97 London Bridge Dollar. Still available from the Rotary Club for $10.00, this one started at $4.99 plus $2.50 shipping, drew four bids from two bidders, and sold for $8.50. Catalog value $3.00.
Arizona, Lake Havasu City. 2010-11 London Bridge Dollar. Also still available from the London Bridge Rotary Club for $8.00. On Ebay this one started at $4.99 plus $2.50 shipping and pulled in 10 bids from 3 bidders and sold for $16.50. My catalog value - just $3.50.
Arizona, Tucson. 1933 Wolfville Western Days Dollar. Also listed as a so-Called Dollar (HK-689). I catalog it at $6.50. This one was more worn than usual, grading Very Fine or so, and offered at a start of $25.00 with FREE shipping. There were no bids so it was listed the following week at the same price, again drawing no bids.
Colorado, Durango. 1983-84 D & R G Narrow Gauge Train Dollar. Fifth in a seven year series of MTC's. Mintage 5,000. This one offered for a start of just 99¢ (plus $3.00 postage) sold for the opening bid. I catalog this one at $5.00.
Ohio, Newark. 1952 Sesquicentennial Half Dollar. MS-63 in NGC slab. I catalog this one at $5.00 in about Uncirculated - it's worth double that in full uncirculated, as this one is. Offered for $16.00 plus $2.85 postage opening bid or a Buy It Now of $25.00 postpaid. It costs north of $20 to get coins slabbed these days, so I was surprised that this one received no bids.
Wisconsin, Fon Du Lac. 1948 Centennial 10¢ from Valins Camera Shop. Second of 5 nice NGC slabbed MTCs tonight. This one had a start of $16.00 plus $2.85 shipping and sold to a single bidder. My catalog is $10.00.
Michigan, Cadillac. 1952 Diamond Jubilee Quarter. Graded MS63 in a NGC slab. Offered for an opening bid of $18.00 (BIN $25.00) plus $2.85 shipping, this nice token received no bids.
Michigan, St. Ignace. 1948 Silver Anniversary of Ferry Service Quarter. MS 61 in a NGC slab. I catalog this early Michigan MTC for $6.00 in Extremely Fine condition. Worth the opening bid of $17.00 plus $2.85 shipping ($25.00 BIN postpaid), but there were no takers. These early pieces will not be around forever!
Michigan, Harbor Springs. 1950 Ottawa Indian Capital Quarter. In a NGC slab graded MS 63. I catalog this one at $5.00 in XF condition. The opening bid was $16.00 and there were 5 bids (4 of them unnecessary as he had already placed the winning bid but apparently the bidder did not want to take a chance of loosing it) and it sold for $18.65 plus $2.85 shipping.
Michigan, Reed City. 1950 Diamond Jubilee Quarter. Almost uncirculated. I list these for $4.00 in extremely fine condition. Sold for the opening bid of $14.95 plus $1.95 to a single bidder.
Arizona, Lake Havasu City. 1995-96 London Bridge Dollar. This year is no longer available from the London Bridge Rotary Club website, but is listed with a value of $12.00 in the Not Currently Available section of the website. Opening bid $5.99 plus $1.65 shipping. There were 5 bids and it sold for $11.50. There were 10,000 made and it lists for $3.00 - which is now too low.
Arizona, Tombstone. "1879" Souvenir Dollar Rip Roaring Days Of The West Dollar. Copper. Started at 99¢ plus $2.25 shipping. There were 7 bids and it sold for a bid of $7.38. Catalog value $3.50.
Ohio, Archbold. 1941 Diamond Jubilee Dime. This one started off at $4.99 plus $2.50 shipping, drew 3 bids , and sold for $10.35. Catalog $17.50, but dropping quite a bit in the next catalog - probably to $12.50.
California, Redding. 1962 Centennial Dollar. Golden bronze. Offered for just 99¢ but with a $4.00 shipping fee, this one drew no bids. Catalog value $3.00, mintage 15,000.
Oregon, Albany. 1959 Oregon Centennial Half Dollar. Goldene. Mintage 10,000. Catalog value $3.50. This nice uncirculated piece started at 99¢, attracted two bidders and sold for $2.88 plus $2.25 shipping.
Pennsylvania, Biglerville. 1967 Sesqui Centennial Half Dollar. Uncirculated, but spotty from improper storage - as most of these are. A scarcer issue that I catalog for $6.50. This one Started at $5.95 plus $2.00 shipping and did not receive any bids, so the seller put it in his Ebay Store, where it is still available today. The mintage is just 1,000 pieces on this one.
Montana, Wolf Point. 1973 50th Anniversary of the Wild Horse Stampede Dollar. The price was a reasonable $2.99, but I guess the $5.42 shipping scared away any bidders, because it did not sell this week - or the following week when it was relisted. This one catalogs at $5.00.
(Ohio), Lake County. 1940 silver cardboard Jubilee Nickel. A formerly hard-to-find item that now has appeared in quantity - at least one lot of 100 pieces offered and sold on Ebay a couple years back. The golden cardboard Dime remains scarce. Offered for $5.99 plus $3.00 shipping, there were no bids. This one catalogs $7.50 in the current catalog - going down in the next.
Montana, Saco. 1968 50th Anniversary Dollar. This issue may be getting slightly easier to find. I catalog it at $7.50, indicating that it is rather scarce. This one sold for just about that amount - $6.00 plus a reasonable $1.00 for shipping.
Arizona, Lake Havasu City. 1979 London Bridge Dollar. Standard issue in bright copper. Mintage 25,000, catalog value $3.00. Currently sold by the London Bridge Rotary Club on their website for $26.00. This one got a little bit of action - it started off at $3.00 plus $1.50 shipping, and after 6 bids by 4 bidders it sold at $10.00.
Washington, Whidbey Island. 1936 Coupeville Indian Water Festival Half Dollar. When these show up at all, they usually come in extremely fine condition, but this was a very choice almost uncirculated one. Offered for a $22.50 start with FREE shipping, I was very pleased to win it at its opening price. Catalog $20 - a rare MTC as well as a token always in demand by collectors of Washington state tokens.
Idaho, Weiser. Territorial Centennial / National Fiddlers Festival. Catalog value: $4.00. This one offered for a starting bid of $2.50 plus $1.50 shipping failed to receive a bid.
Oregon, Eugene. 1960 Emerald Empire Round-Up Half Dollar. Mintage 10,000. Catalog $3.00. This one started, and ended, with a single bid at its 99¢ opening - unfortunately the $2.07 shipping fee took this out of the "bargain" category.
Florida, Pompano Beach. 1958 Golden Jubilee Half Dollar. Entombed in one of those nasty plastic NGC holders. Graded MS63 by NGC which obviously does not know much about grading tokens. Start was $18.00 which is less than the cost to have the slabbing done today. It sold at that price to a single bidder. Postage was $2.86. Mintage 5,000. Catalog $6.00 in uncirculated.
Iowa, Norway. 1963 Centennial Half Dollar. Another in a NGC slab - this one correctly graded at MS65. The start was $18.00 and there was a $25.00 Buy It Now price. I was hoping to win it at or near the starting price, but it ended up costing me $27.00 after 3 bids. Still a bargain. The mintage is only 1,500 and the catalog value is $15.00.
Minnesota, Winona County. 1976 Bicentennial Dollar. Mintage 10,000. Catalog $4.50. Start was $3.99 ($5.99 BIN) with 99¢ shipping. No bids. Offered weekly to the middle of July at the same price then for $2.99, still plus 99¢ shipping, for two more weeks. Still no sale.
Iowa, Pella. 1974 Dutch Dollar. Part of the longest running series of MTC's anywhere. This 1974 issue offered for just 99¢ plus $1.69 did not sell despite its $6.00 catalog value.
North Dakota, Alamo. 1970 Remember the Alamo Dollar. A private issue by Nick's Bar. Very scarce, cataloging $12.50. Offered for $34.00 with FREE shipping. Sold, at that amount, to the lone bidder.
Pennsylvania, Erie. 1963 Perry Sesquicentennial Winter Carnival. Started at just 99¢, this uncirculated specimen sold for that opening bid to its lone bidder - who had to pay $2.50 shipping. Catalog value is $3.50.
Pennsylvania, Marietta. 1962 Sesquicentennial Half Dollar. Starting bid $4.99 plus $3.00 shipping. No bids. Offered for another 4 weeks, still being ignored by bidders. Catalog value $6.00.
California, Eastern Sierra (Inyo and Mono Counties). "1861" to (1961) Centennial Souvenir Coin. Mintage 16,000, catalog value $4.00. In an ANACS slab, graded MS65. This piece sold for its opening bid of $16.00 plus $2.85 shipping. Considering the cost of having it slabbed, a bargain - if you like those little plastic coin coffins.
Indiana, Cass County. 1976 U.S. Bicentennial, Cass County Sesquicentennial. Set of two in oxidized brass and antique silver plate. The common finishes for this issue. Catalog $3.50 each. Sold to a lone bidder for $7.00 plus $2.95 shipping.
Washington, Colville. 1976 Bicentennial Pageant Dollar. Available, but not easy to find, I catalog this one at $5.00. The start was $4.95 plus $3.00 shipping and it sold to a single bidder.
Kansas, Lawrence. 1954 Centennial Half Dollar. This one uncirculated, while this typically comes in lightly circulated condition - usually XF or AU - in which condition it catalogs $6.00. Sold to a single bidder at the opening price of $4.99 plus $1.75 shipping.
Hawaii, Maui. 2004 Trade Dollar. Starting off at 99¢ this one drew 5 bids and sold for $5.51 plus the $1.79 shipping.
Michigan, Grayling. 1949 Canoe Championship Quarter. Graded MS64 and encapsulated by NGC. Catalog $8.50 in XF. This choice example had an opening of $25.00 ($49 BIN) but did not receive a bid.
Iowa, Lime Springs. 1968 Centennial Half Dollar. Almost uncirculated. This scarce piece has a mintage of 1,500 pieces and a catalog value of $6.50 (in uncirculated), but it did not earn a bid at its $13.50 opening price.
Minnesota, Cass County. 1958 Minnesota Centennial Half Dollar. Slightly circulated. Sold for the opening bid of $4.95 plus $2.00 shipping. Mintage 7,500 and Catalog value $5.00
South Dakota, Mobridge. 2006 Centennial Three Dollars. Start was $9.99 with a BIN of $16.00, either one with a $2.86 shipping fee. Catalog $5.00. No sale.
Pennsylvania, Waynesboro. 1963 Civil War Centennial. Mintage 2,500 and catalog $4.00. This example offered for a start of $11.99 plus $1.99 shipping did not draw any bids. Just too much, for now. Offered a week later for a more reasonable $9.99, it went another week without a bid.
South Dakota, Scotland. 1970 Centennial Dollar. A scarcer issue, cataloging $7.50, but it did not get any bids at its $11.00 plus $2.86 shipping opening.
Alaska, Kodiak. 1966 First Year of the Cry of the Wild Ram. 2 1/2 Rubles. Aluminum. Private issue for Solly's Office. Catalog value $6.50. This slightly circulated example offered for $15.00 plus $2.00 shipping did not get a bid. Offered three weeks later at the same price, it still did not get a bid.
Minnesota, Hibbing. 1946 Northeastern Minnesota Victory Jubilee. A very unusual aluminum issue that was "Redeemable in silver coin of equal weight one year after the U. S. S. Corporation begins processing of Mesaba Iron Ore at its source. I had never seen this token before, and was quite intrigued by its political implications. The reverse, along with a picture of a Kangaroo, reads Robbed of its great timber stands and now being robbed of its greatest natural resource, iron ore, Minn. holds the bag. We have been cleverly kangarooed - or have we? The start was $14.99 and there was just one bid near the end of the sale when I came across it. Not knowing anything about it I bid $63.88 and felt confident I would win it for much less. After all there are lots of Minnesota token collectors out there and they apparently weren't bidding. But when it closed I had been outbid! That original bidder came back in put a last minute bid higher than mine. A few days later the seller contacted me with a "Second Chance Offer" for one at my original bid of $63.88. Now I was wondering if I was being "kangarooed" - did the seller have a bunch of them, or was it a common coin being offered at a high price? There was no way to tell, with no Minnesota token catalog and nothing I could find out about it on the internet but I decided to take a chance and go for it. The copy I got was in slightly better condition than the illustrated one. I still don't know if it is rare or not, but I like it! It will probably catalog at $17.50 when the next edition of the catalog comes out - unless I find out that it not a rare token.
Ohio Old Fort Hamilton. 1966 175th Anniversary Dollar. 1,800 issued. Catalog $6.00. This was a real nice bargain for someone - It sold at its $1.99 start with FREE shipping.
Minnesota, Winona. U.S. Bicentennial Dollar. Starting bid was 99¢ but shipping was $3.00. No bids. The seller raised his price to $1.99 and tried for two more weeks, still no bidders. Catalog $4.50. This was the same seller as the one I listed on June 23. This time trying to sell them with a low start but high postage instead of high start with low postage as the other listings were.
Michigan, Manistee. 1950 Sports Festival quarter. Almost uncirculated. Started at 99¢ plus $1.95 shipping. There were 7 bids and it sold for a very reasonable $3.25. Catalog value $6.00.
Virginia, Stafford County. 1964 TriCentennial Half Dollar. Offered for $5.00 plus $2.07 shipping, this almost uncirculated token attracted a single bid. Catalog $6.50 in uncirculated.
Montana, Wolf Point. 1973 50th Annual Wild Horse Stampede. Offered for a reasonable $2.99 opening bid, but with an unreasonable $5.42 "economy" shipping fee, this one attracted no attention from bidders. Catalog value is $5.00.
Nebraska, Nemaha County. 1967 Statehood Centennial Dollar. Opening bid was $7.50 with FREE shipping, but there were no bids. Catalog $3.50.
Oregon, Statewide. Centennial Celebration Half Dollar with blank reverse. This is the scarce HK-565 So-Called Dollar. Condition extremely fine. For those of you who care, this was the "with smoke" , "large Hole" variety. MTC Catalog value currently $5.00, but going up - probably to $10.00. This example offered for $9.99 plus $2.50 shipping drew 2 bids and sold for $13.38 + $2.50.
Oregon, Bend. 1959 Oregon Centennial Half Dollar. One of the scarcer 1959 Oregon Statehood issues, this one differs in that it is a larger 37mm token, not 34mm like most of the others. Low mintage too, there were only 2500 made. This one started at $6.50 with FREE shipping. It attracted 6 bids from 4 bidders and ended up selling for $14.38. I catalog this one at $6.00, but it will be moving up to $7.50 in the next edition.
Washington, Whidbey Island. 1936 Coupeville Indian Water Festival Half Dollar. Another specimen offered by the same seller as the one earlier this month. This one a bit nicer. Again, I was the winner. The start was $22.50 with FREE shipping. There were just two bids, one for $33.00 and my winning bid of $34.00. The nicest copy I have seen, choice AU with just a very slight trace of wear. NGC would grade it MS 64 or MS 65 because it is nice and shiney. My catalog value is $20.00 in XF.
Michigan, Oscoda-Au Sable. 1948 Centennial Quarter. Start was just 99¢ with FREE shipping. This VF- XF copy attracted 7 bids from 4 bidders and sold for a surprising $20.50. Catalog value $5.00 in XF.
Arizona, Tucson. 1933 Wolfville Western Days Dollar. This is also collected by So-Called Dollar collectors, so there is a higher than average demand for this piece which I catalog at $6.50. This was an extremely fine example which opened at just 1¢ and sold for $11.50 after 13 bids by 8 bidders. Shipping was $2.85.
Arizona, Lake Havasu City. "Complete" set of all years, 1971/2 to 1999/2000 in the regular minor metal finishes - plus an "unlisted" 1989/90 in nickel silver. Price $999.00 with FREE shipping. No bids. This set has been offered by the same seller every six month or a year for the last few years.
(Connecticut) Waterbury. 1924 250th Anniversary Half Dollar. Private issue of Upton, Singleton & Co. Sold to a single bidder for its $6.50 with FREE shipping start. Not so hard to find as it used to be. Going down next time from its $7.50 catalog to probably $5.00.
6/30/13. Kansas, Eldorado. 1971 Centennial Dollar in oxidized nickel silver plate. A neat coin featuring Wizard of Oz characters, and in a fancy hard plastic holder. Offered for $9.99 plus $2.00 shipping. There were two bids from a single bidder, so it sold for the opening price. Issued at $2.50, it has a current catalog value of $12.50.